Sweet Violet Tincture

Tincture of Sweet Violet herb (Viola odorata) 1:3 25%
Viola odorata, organic grain alcohol
Daily adult dose: 4 - 8ml three times a day
Tincture of Sweet Violet herb (Viola odorata) 1:3 25%
Viola odorata, organic grain alcohol
Daily adult dose: 4 - 8ml three times a day
Viola odorata
Common name: Sweet Violet, Wood violet
Family: Violaceae
Part used: Most commonly the leaf; the flower and root are also used but more rarely
Habitat: Sweet Violet is an iconic but sometimes rare rhizomatous low growing plant with heart shaped leaves and a sweet aroma, which differentiates it from other violets. Native to Europe and many areas in Asia, Sweet Violet prefers margins of woodland and hedges.
Constituents in the leaf: Flavonoids, sapoins, salicylates, volatile oils, phenolic acids
Actions: Demulcent, diaphoretic, expectorant
Traditional and current uses:
• Common cold
• Chronic catarrh in nose and throat
• Pharyngitis, tonsillitis
• Cough, chronic bronchitis
• Asthma
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