Dan Shen Tincture | Salvia miltiorrhiza

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Dan Shen Tincture

Dan Shen Tincture (Salvia miltiorrhiza)

Tincture of dried Salvia miltiorrhiza root. 1:3 35%

Salvia miltiorrhiza dried root, organic grain alcohol

Daily adult dose unless otherwise prescribed: up to 7ml per day in two separate doses.

Dan Shen should be avoided:

  • by people taking anticoagulent and anti-platelet drugs
  • in pregnancy
  • immediately before or after surgery
  • in large doses during bleeding

Salvia miltiorrhiza

Common name: Dan shen, cinnabar sage root, red-root sage, purple sage

Family: Lamiaceae

Part used: Root

Habitat: A member of the mint family native to northeast and costal areas of China and made famous globally through its use in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This upright hairy plant grows racemes (flower spikes) of ref flowers and prefers moist sandy soil on the margins of water ways, roads and sunny slopes. Unlike our common garden sage (Salvia officinale), we use the root of dan shen.  

Folklore and History: 

Constituents: Nathtoquinones, tashinol, diterpenoid phenol salviol, aldehydic and catechuic acids, miltrirone, teraxeryl acetate, friedelin, inulin, feruginol, butylallophanate, several trace minerals including selenium molybdanum, manganese, copper, iron, zinc and vitamin E.

Actions: Relaxing nervine, uterine spamolytic, uterine circulatory stimulant, cardiotonic, circulatory tonic, antilipemic, antcoagulant, fibrinolytic, hepatorestorative (liver restorative), hepatoprotective (liver protective), leukocytogenic(increase white blood cell count), immunostimulant, antitumoral, lymphocyte stimulant, antioxidant, antiseptic, vulnerary, support detoxification pathways, dermatropic, diuretic

Traditional and current uses:

  • Stress, insomnia, nervous palpitations, irritability
  • Period pains, endometriosis, amenorrhea (absent periods), retained placenta, menstrual clots, PMS
  • Menopausal stress, anxiety and palpitations
  • Certain cardiovascular complaints (under professional supervision)
  • Thombosis (seek urgent advice from a doctor), atherosclerosis, hyperlipidaemia
  • Skin and muskuloskeletal complaints where diet and digestion are part of flare ups: eczema, psoriasis, acne, skin ulcers, boils, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Liver enlargement, farry liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver, hepatitis, toxicity, cirrhosis, sluggish liver
  • Infections
  • Sprains, minor wounds and injuries

Disclaimer: The information on this website is provided for educational use only, and is not intended as a replacement for the services of a qualified medical herbalist, doctor or licensed health practitioner. The information contained herein is not diagnostic, always consult a medical health professional before embarking on a treatment programme. Urban Fringe Dispensary disclaims any liability, loss, injury or damage incurred as a consequence of the use and application of the advice given herein.

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